There are numerous ways to make money online, and reading paid e-mails is one of those ways. The concept seems relatively simple, but do not plan to retire from your day job with the income you make with this method. There are a lot of websites that you can join that get paid for every e-mail you open and read, but the price they pay per e-mail will vary greatly. The price can range from one one- hundredth of a cent to one tenth of a cent., and most of these programs have a minimum time limit that you must leave the e-mail open to receive credit.
Another issue with some of these companies that pay you to read e-mail is that you may have to open an e-gold or storm pay account to cash out with them. This can be time consuming and lead to a lot of aggravation. The advantage to having an e-gold account is that you can actually take possession of the gold instead of cash if you choose. The disadvantage is that your account balance is tied to the price of gold, so it may fluctuate. Stormpay is an electronic payment method that is a lot like Paypal, only with a lot less of reliable history.
One of the biggest advantages to making money with paid e-mails online is that there is no experience required and no special knowledge. A beginner with the Internet can do this, because all that is required is an e-mail address and registration online with the individual web sites that pay you to read e-mail. These are simple steps that anyone can do, and you can make money online doing this. However, this should only be used as a minor source of income because the payment is very low and it takes a lot of time. This time could be spent more profitably one other online money making ventures that bring in better income. There are a lot of these sites on the Internet, however, so if you decide that this method will work for you finding quite a few sights to register at is not a problem.
Making money with paid e-mails online has some advantages and some disadvantages, and it is a good idea to make sure you understand these before you start. The advantages are that you do not need any knowledge or training, just an ability to read and register at the websites, as well as an e-mail address and time. The disadvantages are that the income from this method is very small and this method is very time consuming. If you can do more profitable ventures online, your time would be better spent. If you decide this method is for you, be prepared to spent quite a bit of time making a small income.
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