Everybody wants to make money at present date and that to with less effort, less investment and probably sitting at home. This is the place to start your way to make money online (Sets It - Making Money Online).
Friday, 24 October 2014
The Sure Fast Way To Make Money On eBay
Make Money Fast.
One of the easiest ways you can make money fast with your online business is to create your own products and sell those products to other people over the Internet. The set up process may take you a few weeks, but once the products are ready they work almost entirely by themselves. This is a very profitable and satisfying experience. Imagine having sale ‘agents’ that work tirelessly for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week the whole year. Moreover, these ‘agents’ produce money constantly like robot machines for many years. What I share with you today is an idea that you had probably not gave it a serious thought before. It doesn’t matter where you are working right now. The fact is that you could be making some nice extra money by just starting your very own online business. There are different branches or streams of income you can choose. There are three BIG methods to make money fast on the Internet today. These are those methods: 1) Self-publishing your own digital products. 2) Affiliate marketing. 3) Trading. Trading is the hardest to learn. In the other hand it could be the most profitable activity of all. Think about it. For example, if you trade currencies at Forex, some brokerage firms could lend you as much as 100 times your initial investment to trade. This means that you are receiving a LOT of leverage. You are magnifying the power of your trading capital. I know that many individuals don’t like to trade at all. I am just expressing my comments about this business here because I know it has good income potential. It could make you money fast if you understand how it works. That’s my personal opinion. Now, I also have faith in creativity. Innovation and creativity can make you money fast wherever you live. So, if you are a creative person, then this paragraph is specially for you. Humans are naturally creative beings, but people often don’t know how to profit from their creative work. Creating something that brings you fast money is easy. Some people know that they have creative talent, but they don’t know how to profit from it. Others have a clue about it. They have that gut feeling or maybe just common sense, which tells them that the future of business is on the Internet. Probably you have never thought about creating anything that could set you financially independent. Let me tell you that the opportunities are endless once you learn how to do it. Finally affiliate marketing is on the Internet what retailing is on the streets. In today's business world some people manufacture the products and others sell them on stores. To have an affiliate web site is like to own a store. The only difference is that on the Internet everything is much easier than on the offline world. I know some people will differ with me about these facts, but think about it. If you would be a store owner you would have to rent a space, hire employees, deal with merchandise, file many forms per year, advertise your products, etc. There are so many requisites that most people don’t even think about it. In the other hand, you can become an affiliate within hours if you know how to do it. Building your own web site could take you a few hours if that’s what you want to do. You don’t need one though. There are options that most people don’t even imagine. I have heard how many individuals complain that affiliate marketing is too expensive. They think so because they take the hardest path. There are many ways you can advertise on the Internet for free. When you are an affiliate, basically what you are doing is just to advertise other people’s products and services. Remember that you can get paid 50% for every sale and more. With such high commissions you don’t need to sell many products to start generating a substantial income. Whatever you choose to do the online idea is a profitable one. You can make money fast with a home based Internet business. There are many aspects you can implement on an online business that you can’t adapt to an offline one. Everything is easier in hyperspace. That’s why transnational corporations, government agencies as well as small business owners are turning to the Internet more and more every day. I have a few questions for you. Are you cashing in and benefiting from these opportunities? Do you want to learn how to make more money from home? The possibilities are endless! Copyright © 2005 - EasyWebRiches.com
Make Money Selling E-books on EBay
1. made for a particular niche
2. can have only required information
3. can be edited and tailor made as and when needed
4. no copyright violations
5. no competition (probably) To create a demand for your e-book at eBay, the easiest way would be to bundle it with another small physical product like a hard copy book or a DVD. You can do this by making a printed version of the e-book and binding it in a presentable folder. The next step would be to take a digital photograph of the cover of the printed e-book along with the DVD and use it as the gallery picture in the Purchase-it-NOW auction page. Please include information in the sales page that the whole package can be downloaded if so required. Another technique would be to get someone convert your e-book into an Audio-CD. This would enhance sales since both the digital and audio versions are being sold as a bundle. These techniques are rarely used by e-book sellers on eBay and it is very powerful. Use it for better results. At the onset, this may seem to be complicated, but it is actually very easy to do, once you get the hang of it.
Day Trading: 3 Powerful Strategies To Make Money In 2014
1. Learn the system
If you want to learn the ropes of this industry, taking currency trading courses or reading a guide is probably the best way to go. Many currency trading associations and websites offer traders free demos so that you can get started on the foreign currency exchange market. Some websites may ask for a small membership fee, but if you’re dealing with a reputable site, it is probably worth it. You will thus increase your chances of making a profit by learning the basics of day trading, swing trading an position trading, as well as the fundamental investment principles.
2. Be politically and economically aware
You will have a greater chance of taking advantage of Forex if you know its basic theories, such as the fact that a country’s currency is highly influenced by its political and economical development. In order to make healthy trading decisions, you must know the latest country-specific situations. So before hitting the day trading market, try to stay informed by watching cable TV, reading the newspapers or subscribing to online news services, as this will give you an immediate advantage. Make sure you know the most recent inflation rates, tax laws and changes in government in the countries which have the currency you trade, so you can make smart choices.
3. Choose a simple system
Before making your investment, you must be sure that you understand the logic upon which tat particular system relies. If you can’t grasp why and how it works, you will not be able to follow it and you will suffer inevitable losses. Instead, go for a system with simple logic, which has only basic parameters and rules. There is no relationship between the complexity of a system and the amount of money it can bring you. Last but not least, don’t forget to look at the money management involved in the system, as this is the key to your trading success.
Make Money Online With Forex Trading
A smart Forex trader never bets more than he can afford to lose. Because of the risks involved, you should always set a loss limit, the amount that you could afford to safely lose, and never go past it. Fortunes can be made and lost in very short times on trading markets like the Forex trading and stock trading. It is a wise idea to learn everything you can about the Forex market before you make your first investment, to ensure you have all the necessary knowledge to make wise investment choices. Making money online with Forex trading is a smart investment choice if you understand the risks and have studied market trends and indicators. Make sure you know what you are doing before you even enter the market. It might be a good idea to find a Forex broker you can trust at first, to help you understand all the complexities of the Forex market. There are many things that can affect the Forex market, and it is wise to learn about these as well.
By learning everything you can about Forex trading, you will be able to make money online with this knowledge. Do your research and understand the risks involved, and learn about the market indicators and trends. The more you learn, the more informed your decisions will be. This could help protect you against losing your investment. Talk to a Forex broker, even if you do not use their services, to get some basic ideas of the strategies they use to protect against losses. Learn about what global conditions will affect the market, and what these effects will have on your investments.
Turning Your Photos To Cash - How Can Your Photos Make Money For You
One issue to remember when turning photos to cash is copyright. Copyright laws change from state to state and country to country. Make sure that you check beforehand that you have the rights to sell or post the photos that you take. For example taking photos of commercial symbols and logos usually requires a written permission. There are many other ways to make some extra cash from your photos. Hopefully the ones mentioned here will give you ideas for what more you can do. Good luck!
Make Money With Online Stores
Creating an online store is comparatively easy today, and not as complicated as it used to be. There are thousands of places on the Internet that will offer to host your online store site. Some charge a fee, and some are free, but make sure you know what you are getting. Paypal offers a free online shopping cart if you have an account, and Yahoo will actually build your online store and maintain it for a fee.
The most important part of making money with online stores is generating enough traffic to make a decent profit. A very common mistake that people may is to use highly generic keywords, and this results in a ninety five percent of online stores closing without ever generating an incomeBy understanding the search engine rankings and how to get a top ten listing, you can greatly maximize the traffic to your online store, and therefore maximize your profit. You can do this by finding a niche market. This is the way to draw traffic, because it is not possible for a new online store to compete with the big names with a generic term like shopping. Use the search engines to find keywords that have smaller numbers of visits, because it is easier to get into the top rankings with more specific and unique keywords. This means you should figure out a specialized product to sell before you build your online store, and then find unique keywords to place your ranking higher in the main search engines. This will bring in more traffic and make more money for your online store. This is because there is less competition in specialized markets, so you can rank higher in searches.
Offering too many items at first is a common mistake many people make when they open an online store for the first time. Find a niche or specialty that works for you and build your website and online store around it. Fill your site with SEO keyword rich content to get a higher ranking on the search engines, as the more content there is the higher your ranking will be. Add links from this site to your niche online store, and you will get a lot more traffic, which means a lot more sales. Do not use generic keywords, as new stores will not get anywhere near the top ten search results. Avoiding these mistakes will help you make money with your online store.
The Simplest Ways To Make Money Online
How To Make Money Online By Sharing Videos
The reason that a lot of these sites pay you to share videos is to draw more traffic to the sites that are full of ads. When you share videos on certain websites, the revenue that is generated by the traffic clicking on the ads is divided between you and the website, or you and the advertiser. You make money by sharing your videos, and the site gets interesting content that will help draw traffic to the site and the ads. Some of the more common programs that pay you to upload videos and share them are Flixya, YouTube, Metacafe, Associated Content, and VuMe.
Some of these sites require you to register for a Google Adsense account, but they also offer a personalized URL for your use in sharing videos and ads. It is important to understand any restrictions on the photo uploads, because some of the websites require you to submit only exclusive videos, unlike Flixya, which allows videos to be shared from any source that is available to you, and allows the same videos to be posted anywhere on the web. This means that you can post these videos on more than one site, which can help increase your income from making money online by sharing videos.
When sharing videos online to make money, it is important that you understand the regulations of the websites and the advertisers. Know whether video postings must be exclusive to that site. Some sites require a Google Adsense account, so make sure you know about this requirement as well. Make sure that your shared videos are appropriate for the audience as well. Do not post any graphic or obscene videos, as this may get you banned and cost you money. Also remember to continue to market your web page to increase traffic, because more traffic means more ads clicked, which means more income for you.
Flixya.com is another website that will pay users to upload videos. The payment method works similar to most other paid-to-upload sites; they split the advertising with you. So, the more popular your videos are, the greater potential you have to earn money.
Your submissions to Flixya are nonexclusive, as well, so you can post the same videos on YouTube, Associated Content, VuMe, and Metacafe.
Before you get started, you are going to need to open a Google Adsense account. Flixya pays you by rotating your Adsense publisher ID with their's 50/50. Half the times ads are displayed on your page, you earn the revenue. I am going to assume that everyone already know what Adsense is and how to sign up for an account, but just incase you don't, I will briefly explain it. It's really simple, just go to the Google Adsense website and follow the instructions for creating a publisher account. Google will ask you to submit a URL for the site you will be displaying ads on, just use your Flixya URL.
The next step, of course, is to start uploading videos. One of the great things about Flixya, is that you don't have to submit original content. You can use any video from sites like YouTube and MySpace. A lot of other sites that pay for videos require that you only submit original content, which makes it difficult to not only submit a large quantity of videos, but to also ensure your videos will be popular. The fact that Flixya allows you to share any video makes it easy to contribute content that will be well liked and get lots of views.
Make Money With Paid E-mail Online
Another issue with some of these companies that pay you to read e-mail is that you may have to open an e-gold or storm pay account to cash out with them. This can be time consuming and lead to a lot of aggravation. The advantage to having an e-gold account is that you can actually take possession of the gold instead of cash if you choose. The disadvantage is that your account balance is tied to the price of gold, so it may fluctuate. Stormpay is an electronic payment method that is a lot like Paypal, only with a lot less of reliable history.
One of the biggest advantages to making money with paid e-mails online is that there is no experience required and no special knowledge. A beginner with the Internet can do this, because all that is required is an e-mail address and registration online with the individual web sites that pay you to read e-mail. These are simple steps that anyone can do, and you can make money online doing this. However, this should only be used as a minor source of income because the payment is very low and it takes a lot of time. This time could be spent more profitably one other online money making ventures that bring in better income. There are a lot of these sites on the Internet, however, so if you decide that this method will work for you finding quite a few sights to register at is not a problem.
Making money with paid e-mails online has some advantages and some disadvantages, and it is a good idea to make sure you understand these before you start. The advantages are that you do not need any knowledge or training, just an ability to read and register at the websites, as well as an e-mail address and time. The disadvantages are that the income from this method is very small and this method is very time consuming. If you can do more profitable ventures online, your time would be better spent. If you decide this method is for you, be prepared to spent quite a bit of time making a small income.
How To Make Money By Re-Selling Oil Paintings?
The Simplest Way To Make Money Online?
The first step is to find out what people are doing on the internet. Millions of people browse the internet every minute for two main reasons; check their email messages and find information. Therefore, selling digital informative products is an absolute simple and legitimate way to start a home business and earn serious income. But most of us don’t have time and skill to write and create an informative product. Why not try resell right products?
What Is Resell Rights Products?
Resell rights products are the hottest products to sell on the internet right now. Imagine having a business where we don’t have to create our own products. What if we had people make killer software or write a best-selling book for us? We wouldn’t be thinking about selling other products, we?
These are the biggest advantages of selling resell rights products that can save us a lot of time and money •We have your own products This is the idea of selling resell rights products. We are given products to sell with. All we have to do is plug in our company’s name (and our names as the CEO, owner, etc).
•We don’t have to make a website If I was selling a brand new Hummer H2 for $500 in my yard, it would be sold in seconds, literally. However, try to sell the same SUV for $50 on the internet without a website. Bottom line is, website is the key to sell anything online. Not every person can make a selling website. Luckily, almost all resell right products come with ready-to-take order website so you don’t have to write a single HTML code to make a website.
With these advantages in hands, we suddenly have our best-selling products to sell and a website to promote them. Guess what? The fun doesn’t stop there! Just like other hi-tech inventions, a website can be automated from a click of a button. Imagine having “employees” that control all our office operations; from sending free samples to delivering the product to customers. Armed with these tools, this business is the simplest way to make money online, wouldn’t you agree?
Many people, in fact, are making serious money on the internet using this method. Remember, we are selling digital products where customers can have instant access to the products. This what makes e-books and software are big winners over physical products. This business costs literally nothing compared to other online businesses. However, the turn over are great since we can keep 100% of profits from selling resell rights products.
2 Ways To Make Money Online
Online Stock Trading: 3 Ways To Make Money
1. Learn how to use online stock trading
One of the advantages of online stock trading is that you really don’t have to be rich in order to become wealthy. Besides an initial investment of a few hundred dollars, all you need to be successful is to learn all conceivable aspects of the matter, most of which is free. You’ll find out how to deal with charting resources, commission brokerages, free market resources and technical trading tools. You can also choose registering for any of the free data feed which will give you “up to the minute” pricing information.
2. Take the safe road
One of the best approaches to online stock trading is being a hedger and taking the safe road. However, bear in mind that you can still lose money this way. In fact, if you don’t know the basics of online stock trading it’s better to avoid making any investments without receiving advice from a professional broker first. So if you are an inexperienced trader, it’s better to stick to the safe way and stay away from predictions and speculations if you don’t have enough experience or resources. Do your own research and do your bets to accumulate as much information on online stock trading as you can, and once you find reliability you will be very pleased with your results.
3. Use swing stock trading
If you are a new investor, swing stock trading is a short-term investment method with lower risks, as there is less competition from long-term investors. Swing stock trading is very popular among those who fancy online stock trading, as it allows them to keep the stock only for brief periods of time. Moreover, it is never based on the market index and it is only influenced by minor variations of stock prices. It is recommended for having low risks and bringing quick profit, but online stock traders should remember that they have to wait for the perfect timing to trade.
Make Money With No Investment -Starting From Scratch
Online Investment – Three Ways To Make Money
1. Invest in FOREX
Also called foreign exchange market, Forex is a market where investors buy or sell currencies of economically stable countries. Choosing to place your online investment this way can bring you a lot of profit, but you have to be well informed on the politics and economy of all countries. You must also find a broker who will open an account for you in order to open and close your transactions. It’s your obligation to protect your online investment by finding a reputable broker and brokerage company. It is also in your best interest if your broker is registered to Futures Commission Merchant. This can lower the risk of Forex trading, yet bear in mind that in online investment, as in any type of investment for that matter, the risk will never become zero.
2. Invest in online stock trading
If you are interested in entering the online stock trading arena, you should develop a strategic plan which relies on realistic expectations and is well grounded in the basics. Remember to be selective from the get-go and avoid throwing all your assets into a stock just because it looks good at first sight. In order to make the best of your online investment, you should approach it with both skepticism and realism. You will also increase your chances of being successful if you ask for the advice of those who already are so, and who can give you information to your comfort level.
3. Invest in Sports Arbitrage Trading
This a technique based on the disagreements of bookmakers when it comes to placing a bet for an event in the sports world. When you make your online investment through Sports Arbitrage Trading you win irrespective of the sports team which actually wins the game, yet find these opportunities by yourself is quite difficult. There are, however, many helpful guides and trading pools you can consult to understand this type of online investment. Although profit is usually in the range of 2% to 5%, investors report profit rates of up to 15% of their initial investment.
In conclusion, take some action today and you might make more money then you ever dream is possible tomorrow.
Quick And Easy Way To Make Money Fast
Using Affiliate Programs To Make Money On The Internet
Using Online Auction Sites To Make Money
Using online auction sites to make money is an easy and simple way to earn an income. You simply register at one of the websites, find products to sell, and go from there. A lot of companies offer wholesale drop shipping, which means that you never receive or send the merchandise. You make an agreement to display and sell items for the merchandiser, and when an item is sold the merchandiser ships the product to the buyer. You make money off of each item that you sell with no overhead costs. There are no storage costs or problems, and you never have to worry about shipping when you use this method. This is the easiest method to use if you plan on bulk selling on these sites while working from home.
Another way that money can be made online with auction sites is to hold an online yard sale. Go through and clean out your clutter. Instead of having to sit outside and wait to sell the stuff that is still in great condition, simply list it on the auction website. You can make money and clean out the clutter and storage areas in your house at the same time. A lot of people have video games that are never played anymore, movies, collectibles, and other quality stuff just packed away somewhere and never used. Turn your clutter into cash, and enjoy open spaces in your home.
Whether you are advertising someone else's merchandise or your own, using online auction sites to make money makes good business sense. With wholesale drop shipping, there are many benefits and almost no risks. You simply act as the middle man and receive compensation for this. There is no storage, shipping, or customer lists needed, and best of all the consumer asks you to sell the product to them. There is no tracking down leads or making cold calls, because the customer initiates the contact. If you are selling your own inventory then your profit margin will probably be larger, but there is the added expense and hassle of storage and shipping.
Wholesale Distribution: Make Money With The Best Business in the World!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
CPM Affiliate Network
Do what you do the most, Blogging ... while promote your link and continue promoting to other bloggers and so on ... Many will ask what is it an Affiliate Program and the significant connections between your page / blog If you want to take your site to the next level? If you have a content-driven Web site, you can make money with your traffic. If you are an online merchant, how can you get people to your site to buy your products? One popular option that serves both of these functions is an affiliate program. In this article, we'll examine affiliate programs to find out what they are, how they work, who they are for and how you can use them to benefit your Web site. But You don't have any item to sell. So you can join some store to sell product in an Affiliate Programe. An affiliate program is a great way to earn some extra money from your website. But to achieve an click and customer who are driven to the website that sell's their item -- and net must buy while you just have to wait for the commissions that are in penny... this process must continue at least at some point you have enough amount to be drawn.
So i've come with a solution by joining a simple ads program but at a twist if someone you promote using your link is the easiest.
This is a simple ads with Standard banners for your websites. You will Get better click rates and CPM (click per Mile) rate by using them. You can earn even visitor do not click the ads, they count them by impression (just only viewing your site is enough) Payment limit 5 USD to Paypal Every day your account balance updates according your previous day's revenues.
Adfly is a LINK SHORTER service. Lately, its promoting an android compatible ads ... Whats a relief. Nowadays people view internet using android, apple or any phone based gadget. Nice Its now have a High payout rates, good monthly income, fast & customized url shortener, and non-intrusive ads to my blogs. I now use only the pop ads only, for instruction on how to install it in blogspot click here.
Click here to join adf.ly
Also I've got a lot of my visitors with AdF.ly as a publisher. Earn from your affiliated accounts' (referral) revenues: 20% by promoting your registeration URL, get affiliated publisher accounts. Comparison with GoogleAdsense.
To join Adfly CLICK HERE So Then, promote these to your visitor and gather your own visitor as affiliate. Enjoy... If you don't have many visitor .. its doesn't mater because you have the program itself pays you well and its proven to pay your money (not fraud proven)
Exact free traffic
1.Find the “SWEET SPOT”:
2.Create KEYWORD TARGETED Content:
3.Link Your Way to PROFITS:
Once you’ve completed the steps- wash, rinse, repeat! This is the EXACT, three-step formula we’ve used to build our small network of websites from scratch to more than 20,500 FREE visitors every single month! Don't waste money to get free traffic.
We hope you learned a ton and wish you unlimited prosperity!
<meta name="h12-site-verification" content="b81e811fe7950caa2c0bb1c4603bc18a"/>
Steps for Successful Blogging
Start a blogging is not for everyone.
There are lots of reasons not to blog, including having
the time to keep a blog up to date, having something to say, and the fact that blogging is
becoming an increasingly crowded space making it far tougher to stand out than it may have
been in the past. Why would I start a post about successful blogging with all these cautions
against blogging? Mostly to make sure that if you are going to start a blog, you are getting into
it without a false expectation that it can solve all your problems or how much work it will be.
Assuming you have the right idea in mind, the question I get asked most often is how you can
make your blog as successful as possible.
Here are some tips for new bloggers on what you may
want to focus on 07 steps of blogging:
1. Find a good niche.
First step in blogging, think hard about what you want to write about. It has to be somethingyou are passionate about and interested in, otherwise it won't work. The more specific you can
get, the better. You can also broaden it later, but in the beginning you need to find a subject
that you can own.
2. Choose a name and URL.
Most important in blogging but just as many companies these days do,you should let available URLs drive how you name your blog. If you can't get the URL, don't
use the name. And make sure you plan to put your blog on a specific URL, whether you are
using Typepad or Blogspot or any other service. Trust me on this, you'll eventually wish you
built your blog on your own URL, whether you think so today or not.
3. Grab a template and launch quickly.
The biggest paralysis new bloggers have blogging is wanting toget their new blog just right. In the first few weeks of your blog, the most important thing is to
find your voice - so forget about design just launch it with a ready made template. Chances are
remote that search engines will list it that quickly, and you'll have a few weeks to get it right.
4. Choose your blog title.
At this point, you will likely have several blogging posts to look at anda better sense of what you enjoy writing about. It's the perfect time to check the title of your
blog and theme that you set earlier and make sure it still accurately describes what you want to
write about. If it doesn't, now is the perfect time to fix it.
5. Get your blog listed.
It's also time in these two weeks to get your blog listed on all the searchengines by submitting it. You should also claim it on Technorati, and submit it to any other
sites in your particular industry or area of focus. Remember, you don't need to focus on
promotion right now, this is just about getting your site listed. Because blogging is not fun.
6. Actively share your posts.
In addition to emailing them to your influencers, you shouldstart finding appropriate social networks and sites on which to share your blogging posts. This
could mean submitting them to Digg, or posting them onto del.icio.us with keyword tags.
7. Integrate your blog into your profiles.
At the point when you start your blog, you areprobably already using other social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. After the first
month when you have some good activity on your blog, you can add the URL to your profiles
and make sure that your network knows you have a blogging power.
The best advice I can offer at this stage and moving ahead beyond 7 steps is to try and
stay as consistent as possible, and continue to create the best content you can, and share it with
people in your network most likely to help you spread the word.
Earn Adfly from your visitors
Hii... i want to share a tutorial you how to install the adf.ly html tag into your blogspot. Before you start this, you must have an account. Sign Up Ad.fly Here (click this) Before i use the tag, introduce the from adf.ly itself, I gain some money. But when people come to my site, they cope to view a popup of the adf.ly and this is very intrusive. People have to wait until 5 seconds and then get a link to your website. I've gain lot of money but my site don't progress. People tend to close the window and this is a waste. So i come up with a sollution that to put just top adf.ly banner. This is not very much money you can gain but while using this, my visitor became allot more. People can read my content instead of waiting. Some people use search result form Google or other search engine just for a fast view of website, and browse for next search and ignore your valuable content because of the pop of ads. That is why Google search came popular, because the statement "0.005 second of search of 100,000 page result", the keyword is fast and of couse the search is fast .. dough.
So here are a solution In your blogspot, go to your menu Template ==> EditHTML ==> Proceed
(open your browser search box or click keyboard Ctrl + F) or manual scroll down make sure you backup your site first before using this search </body> (see in picture)
Then in your adf.ly go to the top menu find, Tools ==> WebsiteEntryScript copy the html example like this
<script type="text/javascript"> var adfly_id = 774761; var adfly_advert = 'int'; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3; </script> <script src="http://cdn.adf.ly/js/entry.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
paste these above the </body> in the blogspot change the var adfly_advert ='int' into 'banner' and make sure you save.
Adfly pop ads.
AdF.ly is a real money machine... New way to make extra money! They have introduced Pop Ads to AdFly, this is an optional popup window to that can be displayed if you use one of our scripts on your website. It does not affect your current AdFly links and can be enabled very simply
First Steps, To have this ads, You must had an account. Click Here to claim an account. Or click this banner to go to adFly sites.
Second, In Your Account, click Tools find the code in website entry script not the PopAds tab itself because there's an error.
a) find these example code, dont copy mine, instead copy the tag inside your adfly TOOLS section
<script type="text/javascript"> var adfly_id = 774761; var adfly_advert = 'int'; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3; var popunder = true; </script> <script src="https://cdn.adf.ly/js/entry.js"></script>
b) Remove the blue tag if you wish not to put the old pop ads form adfly
c) For instrutions to install these in your blog click the link bellow
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Legitimate online paid survey
Why you should participate?
Paid surveys are rapidly becoming the most preferred means of data collection today, thanks to the Internet. This is because the Internet has made surveys available to almost everybody who can log on to the Internet from almost every country in the entire world. Collection of consumer information is the main stronghold of the entire market research industry. Market research firms design and conduct data collection, by use of surveys and that is where you, the consumers, comes into play because he/she is the source of the data. Not until lately, production firms had to try and make the best possible estimate of how to make the best goods and services to meet their consumers' tastes, which was difficult for most production companies. But all that has now been turned around and the consumer now can directly influence how or what he wants from these companies simply by participating in research projects. Companies today go full lengths to make or produce goods that have been customized to meet what their consumers' preferences are. For that reason both the production companies have found it easier to make the best possible products for their consumers, and the consumer is most at home with the products these companies produce for him/her to use.
How can you participate?
Participation is simple and quite interesting because you will not only learn something from participating in research projects but also get some reward for it. Marketing research firms pay consumers to participate in surveys, and focus groups. Let's first cover how to find good survey companies, join their panels and start taking surveys.
Legitimate online survey companies
People either love or hate YouGov. The surveys are short ‘n' snappy, and the site is commissioned by everyone from academics to charities, so you get to put in your tuppence on serious subjects. Yet MoneySavers say it takes three to five years to hit the payout threshold.
Another survey site to try is Toluna. Forumites earn regular Amazon vouchers, though some report payments can be slow.
While Newvistalive has a high £50 payout threshold, many MoneySavers have racked up £50 cheques fairly quickly. It usually pays between £50p and £1 per survey - some forumites have made £50 in six months.
The holy grail of survey sites, Pinecone pays megabucks, but is invitation only. You get £3 for every survey. Sadly, the recruitment process is more secretive than MI6. You have to wait until you're invited or spot a web banner advert on another site to sign up.
Mega-popular for its speedy surveys, OnePoll runs polls for the press, meaning fun questions about celebs and your love life. It works slightly differently to other survey sites and doesn't send out invitations - you need to log on daily to check.
MoneySavers earn cash quickly from MySurvey, as it has a low £3 payout threshold and abundant surveys. It pays in cash via PayPal.
Another popular site, Crowdology pays hard cash via PayPal. The payment threshold's a low £4, and many folks rack this up every month.
US survey site GlobalTestMarket pays by cheque in sterling once you've earned $50 (currently £30ish). Many forumites amass £100 a year from the site.
A favourite on the MSE Forum, Swagbucks* pays you virtual 'swag bucks' to answer daily polls, watch videos or play games and these can be cashed in for gift cards, Paypal credits or other rewards.
A must-join, Ipsos is probably the best paying survey site. Its surveys are plentiful, and many rack up £10 or more of Amazon vouchers every month.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Get paid to click from Swagbucks
Tasks include filling in polls, watching videos and searching using its page instead of Google - you can even play free online games. Advertisers pay Swagbucks to publicise their wares or do market research, and the site passes a cut to you. The more dedicated you are, the more you earn, though every task pays a different amount.
Last chance: MSE Blagged - £15 Amazon/M&S gift card when you earn £5 in points: For newbies only, we’ve blagged this special Swagbucks* link - if you use it to register by Sun 21 Sept and then earn £5 in bucks, Swagbucks will triple it to £15 of gift cards for Amazon, M&S, New Look, Starbucks, PizzaExpress and more.
How it works
After registering, you have 60 days to earn 849 Swagbucks (worth £5). Each person then gets a further 1,698 points within 10 days - enough to redeem a total of £15 in gift cards for M&S, Amazon and more (just go to the Rewards section to redeem).
You could opt for PayPal credit instead, but you'll get less bang for your (Swag)buck - a tenner'll cost you 1,998 points.
For motivation, join other points-chasers in the forum's popular Swagbucks Challenge 2014 thread. One committed 'swagger' from the forum, cally6008.
Who's it good for? People who want to grab quick cash for fun tasks.
Typical earnings: £25/month
Payment method: Cash/Amazon vch
Amount you need to earn before it pays: 1 point (depends on reward)
Register Now