Making money online gives the possibility to achieve financial freedom and set your own working schedules. Whether you love editing images via Illustrator or Photoshop or you love taking photographs you can use your hobby to make money online. Before the internet only the professional photographers were able to sell photos. Nowadays the internet make possible that almost everyone can sell quality photos on microstock and microstock online agencies.
No matter your skill level, there are many ways of making money online from photography. In order to start you need to follow a few basic steps:
First you need to ensure that you have the copyright for any photograph that you edit, copy, or sell.
- Search for stock agencies online where you can try selling your photo creations. Some good agencies for starters are,,, and In case that you already are an experienced professional photographer you can choose Corbis or Getty Images.
- After you found a good online agency for collaboration you have to register an account. For most of the agencies the account registration is free.
- You need to understand the agency’s requirements before uploading any photos. For example, Dreamstime requires that your photos are at least 3 Mega Pixels in size. They prefer photos with high quality definition, lighting and color, good marketable compositions, well defined commercial concepts, and creative insight.
- · Some pictures rejected by a certain agency might be accepted by others, so you can try to sell them to more photo agencies. So it might be a good idea to register for more than one photo agency
- If you get your photos accepted by an agency there are ready for sale, but you need to promote them. You can offer some free samples of your photos as a mean of promotion. For that you can create a profile on where you can offer some photos for free.
Ideas of making money online with photography
Selling photos online is not the only way to make money online with photography. We will discuss some ideas of online businesses based on images
Selling products
Good presentation based on good photos sell products. You can use your talent for photography by finding some products to sell and taking pictures of them. You can also set up an website and offer to take pictures of other people’s items.
Graphic design
You can make money online from graphic design. Whether you are designing brochures for companies or websites, good design requires good photographs. You can use your skill in taking and editing pictures for becoming a graphic designer.
Photo editing
Apart of graphic design, photo editing is a specialization on its own. You can use your skills in photo editing on applying for jobs online, on freelance websites. Photo editing is a skill in high demand and well paid. You will need a good knowledge of GIMP or Adobe Photoshop.
Creating greeting cards
With greeting cards you have the advantage to be able to sell the same photo multiple times. You design creative greeting cards using your best photos and set a website that offers greeting cards for sale online.